Here is a short sequence about the national day of Catalonia in 2015 : in Spanish, it is called "la Diada". As you can see, the roads of Barcelona are full and packed with people.
Video owned by RT en Espanol

Welcome to the 2018 edition of the Barcelona national holiday called "la Diada" in Spanish.
In that short movie, you can note the many flags of Catalonia in the streets of Barcelona.
Video made by

On the next Wednesday September 11th, the 2019 edition of the national holiday of Catalonia (also called "la Diada" in Spanish) is scheduled.
Here is s short film about the 2018 edition of the national holiday of Catalonia : thousands and thousands of people were demonstrating in the streets of Barcelona claiming the independence of Catalonia.
Some of the most famous political leaders of Catalonia such as the Mayor of Barcelona Ms Ada Colau were interviewed.
Video made and owned by the Spanish newspaper El Pais


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