Robots feel like real humans !

The ICRA London 2023 had already started. It's called "Embracing the future: making robots for

humans". Besides, this international fair is entirely dedicated to the robotization of the economy, 

and the evolving interactions between the robots and their creators: the humans. Indeed, 

because of maching learning and thanks to deep recognition technologies, robots are becoming 

smarter and smarter: even smarter than most of humans. Bear in mind that Deep Blue was one of 

the first computer able to defeat the intelligence of a World chess champion: it was in 1997

Actually, there is a direct link to a video broadcast by the ICRA 2023 on Youtube just below. 

It's entitled "Presentation Video for Minimizing Human Assistance: Augmenting a Single 

Demonstration for Deep Reinforcement Learning".    💻    😄


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