"Api Days Paris 2023 : continue to Sharpen Your API Skills" !
The last API Days were in Paris (CNIT) from December 6th to December 8th, 2023 !
The API ecosystem was in the spotlight, and 3500 leaders from top companies such as Siemens
or Stellantis made this global event successful. According to Amazon.com, "APIs are mechanisms
that allow two software components to communicate with each other using a set of definitions
and protocols. For example, the weather office's software system contains daily weather data.
Your phone's weather app "talks" to this system via APIs and displays daily weather updates
on your phone. An API, on the other hand, refers to an application programming interface.
In the context of APIs, the term "application" refers to any software that has a distinct function".
The APIs are becoming more and more popular in the digital world. That's why I made a selection of
the five best online conferences held during the three days of the Api Days Paris 2023 :
-The Impact of APIs in E-Commerce, Feliana Citradewi, LiVert
-Democratizing API Access, Daniel Kocot, Codecentric
-OpenAi extensibility, the Good and the Bad,
-The IoT, API, and AI Harmony, Saheed Abiola Lasisi, JPMorgan Chase & Co.
-AIvolution or AIPocalypse, Cyril Vart, Fabernovel
In addition, you'll find below the official link to access a playlist of ninety five YouTube videos
shot during the 2023 API Days Paris exhibition. 👀 💻 📶 📱 😄
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